Blaze and Desirée Robertson are the Lead Pastors at Citizen Church. Since moving to Connecticut in 2016 with their children, they've dedicated their lives to building the local church and helping people encounter Jesus.


Our prayer is that you find community, hope, faith, and encouragement. God gave us the vision to move to Connecticut from New York City to start a church in 2016. Through our time pastoring and leading different ministries, we sensed God calling us to start our own church. Over the last year, we have met around dinner tables, in living rooms, and in churches.

Citizen Church is here to love the people of Fairfield County and tell them about the good news of Jesus Christ and teach them the ways of His Kingdom. We believe Stamford, Greenwich, Darien, and the surrounding communities are ready for revival, and that God can change the landscape to be one of vibrant faith!

"For our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." — Philippians 3:20

Pastor Blaze & Desiree Robertson